Multiple Chemical Sensitivities Treatment

Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) syndrome is a diagnostic in which various symptoms reportedly befall people as a result of synthetic exposure. Several speculations explain the cause of multiple chemical sensitivity. Some of the factors that contribute to multiple chemical sensitivity include neurobiological sensitization, toxic effects, chemical exposure, and allergy.
However, there is no scientific confirmation to show the correlation between any of these indications and causes of multiple chemical sensitivity—patients who suffer from considerable chemical sensitivity experience high depression rates, somatoform disorders, and increased anxiety levels. But there is no clear information on the link or association between psychiatric or psychological issues and multiple chemical sensitivity.
Researchers at health clinics claim that the typical compounds found in everyday materials and common chemicals like beautifiers, detergents, cleaning products, paper inks, etc. can trigger physical manifestations in patients experiencing idiopathic environmental intolerance.
Multiple chemical sensitivity includes a wide range of symptoms and most are linked to the environment. Hence, MCS is also known as environmental illness or sick building syndrome. Healthcare providers often call it idiopathic intolerance and in this case it is an environmental health concern.
Symptoms of MCS or Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
While people with multiple chemical sensitivities share common symptoms, in each case the experiences and reactions can be different. The signs that various patients report are broad and include:
- Migraine
- Faintness
- Vomiting
- Spots
- Fatigue
- Congestion
- Sternutation
- Sore larynx
- Chest soreness
- Changes in a heartbeat
- Respiratory problems
- Skin spots
- Rigidness
- Itching
- Wheezing
- Diarrhea
- Trouble concentrating
- Confusion
- Mood swings
- Memory predicaments
Triggers of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
One might expect that chemical substances are contributors to many human diseases. The most common dangerous compounds that have been documented are:
- Tobacco smoke - a significant cause of cancer of the lung.
- Asbestos - causes mesothelioma (an unusual tumor of the abdominal and chest linings), gastrointestinal cancer risks, and lung cancer
- Kepone - a pesticide that can lead to neurological complications and impotence in men
Some of the common triggers include natural and synthetic elements found in:
- Auto exhaust
- Insecticide
- Chlorine
- New carpet
- Paint
- Plants
- Plastics
- Perfume
Many other chemical irritants are under investigation while the problem is growing due to the global rise in organic chemical production. Some compounds, like the ones already mentioned, can cause adverse reactions or toxicity, including allergies. On the other hand, some individuals are susceptible to a broad spectrum of environmental factors. Such individuals have been christened to experience idiopathic environmental intolerance or recurring chemical irritabilities.
Is Multiple Chemical Sensitivity an Illness?
The symptoms and experiences that are associated with MCS are very real but happen for different reasons. The central topic of debate is whether this is a conventional medical illness or not. According to the American Medical Association, multiple chemical sensitivity does not qualify.
Whether the problem is a recognized clinical diagnosis is a controversial issue because many clinicians associate the symptoms with physical manifestations of psychiatric illness and not a "primary" medical condition.
However, other medical practitioners and healthcare organizations agree that multiple chemical sensitivity is an adverse physical reaction to specific chemicals. In the end, whether this disorder should be categorized and diagnosed as a disease is debatable, given the lack of conclusive scientific data for either case.
What Are The Causes of Multiple Chemical Sensitivities and Irritabilities?
There is no doubt that high chemical concentration can make people ill, and irritants like cigarette smoke and pollution can worsen asthma conditions. But how exposure to low chemical levels can affect people is not yet clear. Some health professionals believe that it is an immune response similar to allergies, while others claim that the symptoms have their roots from extreme sensitivities to particular smells.
In some instances, studies point the finger at significant events or occurrences like chemical spillage. In other cases, some connect the symptoms to contact with low chemical levels along with insufficient ventilation.
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Treatment
There are no concrete tests to diagnose idiopathic environmental intolerance and, therefore, no confirmed treatment for the disorder. Some health professionals designate antidepressants like SSRIs, citalopram, paroxetine, and fluoxetine.
Sleep and anxiety medicines can significantly help other people, and besides that, the medication can treat symptoms like headaches and migraines.
In some cases, individuals try to find solutions for themselves; some can learn from experience that some chemicals or foods can trigger or worsen their symptoms.
Therefore, each person should try to avoid their triggers as much as possible. Getting rid of the triggers can be of great help but staying on strict diets and changing employment and living conditions to avoid pollutants or exposure can impose significant burdens on the MCS sufferers.
When and Why Seek Medical Help
Before spending money and time on a specific treatment or renovating a home to get rid of possible triggers, it is advisable to look into the research. Although it is natural to want relief, make sure the evidence that the solution you are considering works and can bring results. In general:
- Avoid expensive, unproven tests and treatments that can cause harm.
- Seek out a compassionate physician. Keep an open mind about your disorder’s possible triggers and explore the available treatment options.
Can Air Purifiers Help with MCS?
MCS has no proven clinical treatment. Hence, if that is your diagnosis, then look for ways to improve the quality of life. Find practical measures you can take to mitigate symptoms. Given that triggers are often related to airborne pollutants, turning to air purification is a natural and logical approach to dealing with MCS in your personal home environment.
Interestingly, one particular air purifier company was borne when its founder had a close family member that was diagnosed with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity attributed to low level chemical exposure. This man, Sam Teitelbaum, set out on a mission to research and develop an air purifier that would not only remove particles, but airborne chemicals and odors.
This initiative quickly established AllerAir as unique in the industry, and led to the development of over 100 different air purifier models including a unit specifically designed for MCS. Thus, as a certified AllerAir dealer, we highly recommend the following product which packs HEPA and an impressive special carbon blend along with organic materials to avoid glues and other chemicals commonly used in air purifier manufacturing processes. This air purifier is built with MCS patients in mind!
Shop AllerAir Air Medic MCS Pro 5 HD MCS
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