What Is Photocatalytic Oxidation?

Photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) is the process of converting malignant contaminants into water, carbon dioxide and detritus. The photocatalytic method is ideal for water treatment and air purification.
The technology works by breaking down the pollutants to improve the quality of air and water. It is regarded to be the best alternative for wet digestion of organic compounds.
PCO offers many advantages like minimal secondary pollution, easy operation, less energy consumption, and high efficiency.
How Does Photocatalytic Oxidation Work?
PCO works by combining UV or ultraviolet light rays with titanium oxide-coated filters or titanium dioxide. The photocatalytic process results in hydroxyl radicals and superoxide ions.
Both superoxide ions and hydroxyl radicals are highly reactive electrons. They combine later with volatile organic compounds and bacteria from the air.
The reaction enhances the breakdown of pollutants from air into harmless products (carbon dioxide and water molecules). It makes the air more purified and ideal for circulation in the house.
Some volatile organic compounds get attached to hydroxides and hydrogen radicals during the oxidation process. Other pollutants like bacteria and fungus are destroyed by the incorporation of a photon with ultraviolet light rays.
Is Photocatalytic Oxidation Safe?
Yes, the technology changes the air contaminants into harmless by-products and the process is effective in improving the quality of air.
Does Photocatalytic Oxidation Create Ozone?
PCO does not emit harmful substances that might harm the ozone layer nor does it produce ozone.
The photocatalytic oxidation technology uses nanoparticle science to destroy pathogens causing respiratory diseases. The photocatalytic technology is also effective in eliminating airborne triggers for allergies and asthma from ozone. Some of these airborne triggers are molds, fungi, dust mites, and pet dander.
The oxidation is not limited to the pollutant size and properties. It helps breakdown ozone regardless of its chemical makeup into water and carbon dioxide.
Does Photocatalytic Oxidation Kill Viruses?
Absolutely. Titanium oxide-coated materials have been proven to be effective in killing microorganisms causing diseases.
Some of the volatile organic compounds destroyed during the photocatalytic oxidation process are molds, fungi, bacteria, protozoa algae, and viruses.
Photocatalysis is eco-friendly technology and the perfect option for removing both microbial and chemical contaminants.
Research shows that titanium oxide formulation inhibits microbial activities. These microorganisms are responsible for causing respiratory diseases.
Are PCO Air Purifiers Safe?
Indoor air pollutants are harmful materials that pose environmental health risks. Elimination of these pollutant sources will help to improve air quality for inhalation.
Ventilating your home is the best option. But most ventilation methods are limited by weather conditions and stubborn air contaminants.
The use of air cleaning appliances happens to be a real solution. These devices are dedicated to removing pollutants from the indoor air.
Some air cleaning devices are portable and others are be installed in the HVAC systems. PCO air purifiers are standalone portable units that are effective in destroying pollutants.
Ozone gas usually irritates the lungs and results in chronic respiratory diseases. Air purifiers using photocatalytic technology do not release ozone into the indoor environment.
Does UV Light Make Ozone?
Yes, depending on the UV wavelength. The UV light ranges from 160-240 nanometers is ideal for creating ozone from oxygen. Keep in mind that oxygen molecules create ozone through a process known as photolysis.
The process usually disrupts the oxygen molecule and results in valent oxygen atoms. These atoms later combine with an individual oxygen molecule to form ozone.
The ozone layer helps to filter UV wavelengths to avoid causing DNA damage and sunburns. It also helps atmospheric oxygen to maintain diatomic form.
While exposure to Ozone can harmful to humans, UV air purifiers that are designed well have emissions that are well below stringent standards for safety.
Moreover, PCO air purifiers typically use the 254 nanometer UV wavelength for optimal germicidal effect with the added advantage that at this wavelength ozone is not produced but rather destroyed.
Is Ionizing Air Good for You?
Absolutely. Ionization results in negative ions that are useful in the respiratory system and overall health. It also helps to improve the indoor air quality for inhalation purposes.
Air ionizers can also be effective in removing dust, pet dander, allergens, mold spores, and airborne bacteria. Ionizing the air also helps to reduce the risk of chronic respiratory diseases.
However, ionization of the air may not as effective in the elimination of some airborne contaminants. Therefore, depending on your air purification needs and concerns, PCO is a great option. These devices have the reputation of eradicating most all forms of pollutants regardless of their size and nature.
The Best PCO Air Purifiers
Photocatalytic oxidation is ideal for air purification. The method helps to destroy bacteria, neutralize chemicals and musty odor.
Several air purifiers use PCO technology in their systems. But, if you are serious about air purification and PCO, then look no further than Airocide.
Their technology was designed by NASA for use and space and has been approved by the FDA as a Class II medical device.
The units use less energy and are efficient and easy to operate.
We offer a variety of practical Airocide selections to address a host of indoor air quality concerns.
Excellent efficacy, perfect for VOCs, Mold, Bacteria and Viruses, and looks great on shelves, table tops, and can even be mounted on walls. | ![]() |